Wednesday 1 May 2024

My Priority Learners - Student Profiling

Due to the way we cross group for Reading in our year level and the needs of the students I teach, my target students for my Inquiry this year are very much going to be my two Gold(ish) groups. Some of these students were more turquoise or purple at the start of the year, but heading into Term 2, they are all instructionally at Gold.

I have a Yellow group with a need for a strong decoding push, which I am confident in doing (and they also get Quick60 support already), and a Silver group that are doing really well with their comprehension tasks, so I'd really like to unpack how to get all my Gold kids over the comprehension hump and up to Silver+ by the end of the year.

With this in mind, I have 13 students Instructionally at Gold. I have been taking some time to observe their reading behaviours, attitudes and needs. I found the Reader Profile Survey which I gave them very insightful.

There are children at either end of the 'I'm Good at Reading' opinion scales. They either strongly agree or strongly disagree.... 7/9 think they are good at reading and 2/9 don't - even though they know they are in a high reading group! Sadly 2/9 also said that they don't think their teacher (me) thinks they are good at reading, which is something for me to be mindful of and turn around as soon as possible. Especially as one of those rated himself good at reading. A different 2/9 were negative about what their families think about their reading ability. Interestingly these two both thought their teacher thought they were good at reading. So it's very interesting to see how that perception can change between different children in different contexts.

None of my priority learners got more than 5/10 for vocabulary in their STAR. So, I have been reading Dr Jannie van Hees and Paul Nation's book 'What Every Primary School Teacher Should Know About Vocabulary' and came across an online tool - in which you can insert text from a student and get a breakdown of their vocabulary use. I think this could be a tool I can use to compare their vocabulary from now till the end of the year, or even before and after reading a selected text and completing a follow-up task.

So potentially I could be looking at their desired learning outcomes being more word output at higher vocabulary levels? 

Here's a sample result of one of my target student's responses to a text:

So do I look at vocabulary building, or discussion time or quality of discussion time or all of it at once?

Do I start with just extending discussion in this term and build in the more purposeful vocabulary building next term?

How can I measure progress in this area?

 - Through my observations

 - Time spent talking about the text?

 - Number of actual sentences used?

 - Number of key vocabulary words used?

 - The online vocabulary tool: ?

I look forward to sharing these thoughts and getting some feedback and direction from my next CoL

meeting this afternoon!

Monday 8 April 2024

Vocabulary Building Needs?

My Home Class Data is above, although we cross group for Reading. 

I have looked at the STAR data as well as my own observations of both my group teaching and one on one reading time with my students, and see Vocabulary as being a key gap to support students in their learning. 

I have noticed that depending on the subject matter, genre and text type, the children's understanding of the vocabulary in their texts at their regular reading level can really fall down. 

At our staff meeting after school yesterday, Mrs Nua recommended some school holiday reading of Dr Jannie Van Hees book "What Every Primary School Teacher Should Know About Vocabulary". So I am hoping to draw some inspiration from these pages, for a clearer direction moving forward in Term 2.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Reflecting on my second CoL Meeting

We met this afternoon at school to talk about our Inquiries with each other and reflect on our thoughts thus far. We did an activity called 'The Last Word' in which we dug deep into an article around changing teaching practices to affect student achievement outcomes. 

I chose the following quotes, which resonated with me:

* Using a broad range of data is recommended, including data from assessments, observation of students in class, homework and ‘student voice’ (e.g., student questionnaires).

* the literature indicates that focusing primarily on achievement information, such as on national standards or high-stakes assessment, has failed to improve students’ literacy achievement (and by implication, failed to improve teachers’ practices),

* it is not always evident what teaching practices to change given the student achievement patterns.

* to comprehend written text, a reader needs to be able to decode accurately and fluently and to have a wide and appropriate vocabulary, appropriate and expanding topic and world knowledge, active comprehension strategies and active monitoring and fix-up strategies. In addition, the poor score could be due to student self-efficacy and more general motivation and engagement (Wang and Guthrie 2004). It could be one or several of these issues that is the cause of the poor score, and teachers need to know how to put together a teaching programme that can address these issues.

* connecting achievement patterns to teaching patterns is essential if teachers are to draw the appropriate inferences from the achievement information to develop more effective teaching practices.

* solving the ill-structured problem of linking teaching practices to student

achievement is an iterative process of repeated cycles of developing, testing and

revising hypotheses about what combinations of instructional events best address students’ learning needs (Robinson 1993). This requires openness in rethinking and revising initial hypotheses of teaching practices, where ambiguity is tolerated and judgment reserved until there is more evidence to gain clarity about the hypotheses.

I feel these quotes really do highlight the complexity of teaching. Particularly in knowing which parts of your practice to change, without in turn creating the potential for negative change and learning opportunities being lost. 

The red quote is of particular interest to me as I formulate my approach to implementing change in my Reading teaching. There are key words within that quote that I feel are going to become fundamental to my practice - 'fluently', 'vocabulary' 'expanding ... knowledge', 'active monitoring', 'motivation and engagement'. How can I focus on all these fundamental elements without making my focus question and inquiry too complex?

Monday 4 March 2024

Thoughts on my Inquiry

 I met with Mrs Wilson (our specialist reading teacher) today to talk about my ideas for my Inquiry and see if she could recommend any Readings or research for me.

She looked at the activities that I have planned for my groups and we chatted about extending my turquoise+ readers, with the goal of them becoming silver+, through a rich focus on building comprehension. 

I’m going to look at ways I can track their task completion, through to blogging of their work. I’m thinking I could assess this group of learners through a basic rubric model, as well as giving them the chance to self-assess. We talked about using the empty (open-plan) classroom space. I could send them in there to voice record and put wall displays up such as mind maps for them to refer back to. Using concrete as well as digital resources.

I am going to refer to Sheena Cameron & Louise Dempsey’s resource ‘The Reading Book’, with a focus on comprehension and rich tasks to extend learners and enrich their vocabulary and critical thinking.

I need to figure out some sort of observation tool to look at how much dialogue we are having in our reading groups as I want to focus on this to inform my planning.

How am I going to track their progress?

I am also going to go through previous CoL teachers blogs who have looked at similar subjects and see if that can spark further ideas.

Notes from ‘The Reading Book’:

‘A bank of researched reading comprehension strategies supports students with comprehension.’

  • Activating Prior-Knowldge

  • Self-Monitoring

  • Predicting

  • Making Connections

  • Questioning

  • Inferring

  • Visualising

  • Summarising

  • Synthesising

Reading a range of texts. Reading with expression. Making time for reading to?!!!

How can I make sure I am purposefully teaching and assessing these things?

Critical Thinking:

Levelled Goals for Guided Reading Groups:

Looking particularly at moving from Gold to Silver:

Monday 19 February 2024

2024 and a focus on Reading

 I am back to work after a year on maternity leave with my beautiful twin girls, and I am looking forward to a change of pace, stepping back from my Team Leader role and focussing more on the learners in front of me in my own class. 

 I have spoken to the leadership team in my school about where our needs are, and I am keen to inquire into the reading needs of my learners this year. It is only 3 weeks into the term and already I am excited by the opportunity to increase discussion, engagement and comprehension of reading texts from within my class. 

Language is the key to all learning. Without language we can't think, formulate and hypothesise. I feel this is the best lens through which to increase student achievement by 1.5 years across all three Rs - which is a cluster goal for 2024.

The focus for Term 1 is Identifying and profiling (no solutions yet). 

* Identifying - valued learning outcomes which include but are not limited to achievement outcomes.

* Profiling -  Investigate the nature of the students’ strengths and gaps in relation to valued learning outcomes in detail.

I am going to take this term to gather the data and observations necessary to inform my Inquiry question for 2024. Watch this space!