Wednesday, 12 February 2025

First CoL Meeting of 2025

We had our first CoL meeting of the year today at Panmure Bridge School.

As we move into the first year of implementing a Structured Maths programme (or two!) into Pt England School, I have been mindful of the Manaiakalani kaupapa of Learn-Create-Share. How can we continue to implement this when following structured learning progressions, and a predetermined scope and sequence - particularly when considering programmes like Pr1me Mathematics, which are presented in textbook after textbook formats.

The CREATE seems a particular challenge to me - requiring a creative teacher to provide students with their own opportunities to create. 

So I am thinking of inquiring into my teaching practice with CREATE in mind.

On the 29th of January, our whole teaching staff had PD about the new Mathematics Curriculum in New Zealand. Something that resonated with me during this day, was the recurring language around the importance of Pattern Recognition.

Perhaps this can be a focus for CREATE tasks... and the direction for my Inquiry this year? 

In the meantime testing week is coming up! I am very interested to see where my data leads me...

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

2025 and Structured Mathematics!

Well it is a new year and I am fortunate enough to be reappointed as a CoL teacher in 2025. This year presents the opportunity for many Professional Learning insights as I continue to embed my BSLA learnings into my teaching practice, as New Zealand embarks on Structured Literacy programmes throughout the country. I am looking forward to the opportunity to follow this approach for a whole school year. It will be interesting to gauge the progress made over this time, while keeping in mind the need for focussed vocabulary and comprehension building. 

So, where to for 2025? It is very much as case of watch this space! 

Mathematics is the area in which I am going to need to invest the bulk of my time. We are diving into Structured Mathematics, with my school having picked up two programmes; one with a more Junior school, hands on manipulatives focus, and the other for Years 4 - 8, with textbooks and online content. As a teacher of Years 3 and 4 this year, I straddle the two levels and will need to gain a solid understanding of the planning and implementation of both programmes; Numicon and Pr1me.