Monday, 19 February 2024

2024 and a focus on Reading

 I am back to work after a year on maternity leave with my beautiful twin girls, and I am looking forward to a change of pace, stepping back from my Team Leader role and focussing more on the learners in front of me in my own class. 

 I have spoken to the leadership team in my school about where our needs are, and I am keen to inquire into the reading needs of my learners this year. It is only 3 weeks into the term and already I am excited by the opportunity to increase discussion, engagement and comprehension of reading texts from within my class. 

Language is the key to all learning. Without language we can't think, formulate and hypothesise. I feel this is the best lens through which to increase student achievement by 1.5 years across all three Rs - which is a cluster goal for 2024.

The focus for Term 1 is Identifying and profiling (no solutions yet). 

* Identifying - valued learning outcomes which include but are not limited to achievement outcomes.

* Profiling -  Investigate the nature of the students’ strengths and gaps in relation to valued learning outcomes in detail.

I am going to take this term to gather the data and observations necessary to inform my Inquiry question for 2024. Watch this space!